Genre: Action, Adventure
Main Players: Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L Jackson, Robert Redford
General Gist: The second movie in the Captain America Saga
Deb's Take:
I started out this adventure a few years ago, and am surprised at the changes in my taste of movies. I never was a big "super hero" fan, however, since the whole Marvel productions have been sweeping out theatres over the last few years I am becoming a bigger fan.
I really enjoyed this movie. I liked the chemistry between Johansson and Evans. The role of Falcon, played by Anthony Mackie was a great addition. I liked seeing Robert Redford, 78 years old and still a badass. This movie had a lot of action, a little humor, great stunts and graphics. If you are a super hero fan this one should keep you extremely entertained and happy.
Short and to the point! If you like superhero movies, it's a go!
Deb's Rate: Friday Night
Tiff's Take:
I feel the same way as Deb. I never have really wanted to see a super hero movie. It's never been on the top of my list. But these days? You bet I'll go to one. I've really enjoyed all the Marvel movies. I'll admit that the first Captain America wasn't my favorite. I've always been more of a Thor girl. This one though was great. It was better than the first and that's a hard thing to do.
I also like the chemistry between Johansson and Evans. The actors were all good. I just really enjoyed this one. Not much else to say.
Tiff's Rate: Friday Night
Preview: Have a couple more reviews coming..a bonus and Week 15